Does Lord’s Compassion have child sponsorship?
No. LCM wants to work towards self- sustainability and development.
Can we send boxes of supplies?
We recommend monetary donations. Shipping can be expensive and if you are not sending through DHL, there is no guarantee the box will make it. It’s better for them to buy things there to support their economy. We recommend sending letters to the children.
Do you send people on mission trips?
No. We encourage people to visit Lufafa and see the work he is doing. Meet the children and have time hanging out with them. However, we consider this a learning trip; to learn about the culture, and learn from the people. We want you to build relationships.
What is the children’s home about?
Will all the children stay at the children’s home?
Yes, the children that Lufafa determines needs a home, will stay with us at the Lighthouse Children’s home. We currently have 41 children. We make sure they are fed, have clothes, attend school & church, they are safe, and learn life skills.
How do you pronounce Mafubira and Buluuta?
How do people acquire water?
Most people in the community utilize nearby lakes and swamps to obtain water. We do have a bore hole located on the land with the children’s home.
Why are so many children treated for burns?
Why do some parents not take their children to the hospital?
Do the local churches in the area help out?
No, They are unable to donate funds as they as serving the poor communities spiritually. Most churches do not have a door, windows. The ground is usually dirt. They are lucky to have plastic chairs. Some areas the church members meet outside under a tree. You can view pictures of Lufafa’s church here https://lordscompassionministry.org/church-in-mafubira/
Lord's Compassion Ministry
Uganda Mailing Address:
Lord’s Compassion Ministry
Lufafa Emmanuel
PO BOX 1509
Jinja town, Uganda
East Africa
Postal Code 256
US Mailing Address:
Lord’s Compassion Ministry
14100 Walsingham Rd. Ste 36 #40
Largo, FL 33774
Phone number: 1 – 727- 269-8916
EIN 81-4853869