Our Approach
Lord’s Compassion Ministry’s program and service approach supports the communities of Buluuta and Mafubira in Uganda in becoming self-sufficient through economic development, educational opportunities, and access to healthcare.
Our approach includes:
Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD): with the support of the communities served, Lord’s Compassion Ministry completes an ABCD report, which is a research-based sustainable development approach that focuses on the strengths of, and potential within, communities and individuals. The ABCD model discourages development from outside sources, spurring change and development from within, utilizing community members’ current skills and untapped community resources. Most importantly, this approach supports Lord’s Compassion Ministry in identifying where local assets meet local needs.
Detailed Analysis: Lord’s Compassion Ministry meets with members of the community to discuss local problems and brainstorm sustainable solutions. During these meetings, Lord’s Compassion Ministry also identifies potential barriers to program or project success, local skills that can be utilized, program or project length, and other details.
Logical Framework: After the initial analysis meeting, Lord’s Compassion Ministry meets with community members a second time to determine specific project goals and objectives and to communicate anticipated accomplishments, project participant roles and expectations, and a projected timeline.
Project Implementation: After all necessary information has been gathered and program planning has been completed, Lufafa and other Lord’s Compassion Ministry volunteers implement the proposed project or program. This is the “active” stage of Lord’s Compassion Ministry’s approach.
Monitoring & Evaluation: Evaluation occurs prior to, during, and at the completion of a project. It measures program success, identifies areas for improvement or expansion, and ensures organizational accountability. Monitoring and evaluation includes surveys completed by community members, progress tracked and documented by Lord’s Compassion Ministry volunteers, and data collection. Monitoring and evaluation results are shared through e-newsletters, blog articles, and social media.
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Lord's Compassion Ministry
Uganda Mailing Address:
Lord’s Compassion Ministry
Lufafa Emmanuel
PO BOX 1509
Jinja town, Uganda
East Africa
Postal Code 256
US Mailing Address:
Lord’s Compassion Ministry
14100 Walsingham Rd. Ste 36 #40
Largo, FL 33774
Phone number: 1 – 727- 269-8916
EIN 81-4853869