Lord’s Compassion Ministry

Transforming communities and children’s lives in Uganda through giving, relationships, and the hope of Jesus. We are not a charity but a community of people who are changing lives, hearts, and communities by giving and reflecting Jesus so others will know His love.

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matt. 6:21

Please pray with us and let us know how we can pray for you.

Some people view charity as a good thing or simply as generosity while we view charity as creating dependency on a system or organization. We believe in transformation. Our goal is to create positive changes fueled by the ideas and needs of the community and the love of Jesus.
Like you, we believe that no child should go hungry or go without access to education and health care. God has given us resources to bless others. When you become part of the LCM team, you are helping to end hardships faced by children and communities who have experienced decades of war, poverty, genocide, and displacement. We make sure your giving goes to the area you care about most. We take that seriously with transparency and accountability. You can view our annual reports and tax info here. When you become part of LCM, you will feel loved, invested, and ready to tell others how they can join our group of generous givers who literally change lives.
Give with confidence. You can give via our donation link, paypal, or mail a check. You will receive a tax deduction form (for US givers), and you will receive updates on how you are transforming lives.
LCM champions are passionate and generous people from 6 different countries who are on a mission to give, serve, and support suffering children and their communities. Join our movement and

Give children an education- education reduces poverty, reduces crime, and leads to economic growth
Provide clean water; no one should drink from a lake or swamp
Share the Gospel; knowing Jesus love can change a person

Provide hope
Feed and cloth children
Provide medical care to those in need

Provide sustainability to entire communities
Provide young adults access to technical skills
Help a mother start a business to care for her children
Watch their zoom call here:
Lord's Compassion Ministry
Uganda Mailing Address:
Lord’s Compassion Ministry
Lufafa Emmanuel
PO BOX 1509
Jinja town, Uganda
East Africa
Postal Code 256
US Mailing Address:
Lord’s Compassion Ministry
14100 Walsingham Rd. Ste 36 #40
Largo, FL 33774
Phone number: 1 – 727- 269-8916
EIN 81-4853869