The Clinic in Mafubira
In 2017, a new clinic was established in Mafubira to provide life-saving healthcare to vulnerable children within the community. In Mafubira, families are often unable to afford hospital fees or transportation to hospitals. At LCM’s clinic, a majority of the patients are treated for burns, which are frequently sustained by cooking over open fires. Additionally, children receive treatment for a variety of illnesses, including malaria, which is prevalent in Uganda. LCM treats on average 100 – 140 patients a year. Malaria was the leading cause of mortality for Children above 5 years (Uganda Bureau of statistics 2016).
Why are so many children treated for burns?
Children are burned from the way people cook. They use charcoal stoves or rocks or brick to hold pots. If this is uneven and children are cooking or near where people are cooking, accidents can happen. Most people cook outside, however if it’s raining they may chose to cook inside. Houses are small and may have many people and children living inside. Many times children fall into hot cooking rice or hot water is spilled onto them.
There is no burn unit in the area and making a trip to the hospital is too costly. The nearest local government hospital is a 15 minute taxi ride from Mafubira where Lufafa is located. Some people live farther away and are unable to pay taxi fees. Hospitals require payment up front before treating a patient.
Lord's Compassion Ministry
Uganda Mailing Address:
Lord’s Compassion Ministry
Lufafa Emmanuel
PO BOX 1509
Jinja town, Uganda
East Africa
Postal Code 256
US Mailing Address:
Lord’s Compassion Ministry
14100 Walsingham Rd. Ste 36 #40
Largo, FL 33774
Phone number: 1 – 727- 269-8916
EIN 81-4853869