We have an exciting opportunity where you can let your home sale benefit Lord’s Compassion Ministry. Anyone buying a home anywhere in the world can participate. Through our partnership with REalize Giving, 20% of your sale can now benefit Lord’s Compassion Ministry. The best part is the giving comes entirely from realtor’s commission and is at no additional cost to you!
It’s simple: Sign up using the link below and they will send you a selection of great, local realtors. You can then choose a realtor from the selection and work with them to buy or sell a home. Finally, choose LCM as your non-profit and the realtor’s commission will be donated.
Read more about realize giving here.
Lord's Compassion Ministry
Uganda Mailing Address:
Lord’s Compassion Ministry
Lufafa Emmanuel
PO BOX 1509
Jinja town, Uganda
East Africa
Postal Code 256
US Mailing Address:
Lord’s Compassion Ministry
14100 Walsingham Rd. Ste 36 #40
Largo, FL 33774
Phone number: 1 – 727- 269-8916
EIN 81-4853869